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Job Interview At Google Experience

Thu, 05 Aug 2021 09:53:15 +0000 good-job-interview-questions-to-ask-candidates-in-an-interview
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  3. Job interview at google experience template
  4. Job interview at google experience survey
  5. Job interview at google experience for teachers

The best companies I have worked with usually ask at their interviews about personal character, about non-technical skills, about future plans, etc. They try to assess the candidate's motivation, to check whether his mindset matches the company's beliefs and values, to check the team working ability, etc. This is usually done in addition to the comprehensive technical assessment with real-world problems regarding software technologies, software architectures, databases, distributed applications, Web applications, etc. Below are few important (by myself) topics that Google don't even touch at their interviews (by my recent experience): 1) Google interviewers don't ask anything about software technologies, e. AJAX, Java, Java Web development, databases, SQL, ORM, XML, Web services, parallel programming, multithreading and synchronization, software architectures, design patterns, etc. 2) Google interviewers don't ask about software engineering, e. the software project life-cycle (requirements, design, implementation, testing, etc.

Job interview at google experience resume

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Job interview at google experience online

job interview at google experience questions and answers

Job interview at google experience template

It was strange because I solved well all the algorithmic problems during my one-day-long interview sessions in Zurich. I saw positive feedback at the faces of the interviewers. People asking me to solve algorithmic problems were happy of my solutions. It is not hard to notice when something goes wrong, but this was not the case. All interviewers were enthusiastic and happy of my answers and proposed solutions. Most of the other job candidates that had an interview in Zurich in the same time didn't pass all of the 10 interviews and were rejected after the first 2-3 interviews. Traditionally, if you fail the first 1-2 interviews, you don't attend the others. I attended all of them. This gives me and additional sign that I performed well. If I was not performing well why I need to lose the time of 10 different interviewers? I am confident about my analytical and problem solving skills because I was a leading programming contestant for more than 10 years, a champion in tens of Olympiads and programming contests (Bulgarian and International).

Job interview at google experience survey

I was feeling like at a programming contest. I needed to solve 10 Olympiad-style problems, each for 20-30 minutes. They requested to write a source code on the dashboard. Of course I solved the problems but I thought this is the first part and the real software engineering part will come later. I will not reveal any of the questions (because I signed NDA) but their interview style was like at the programming contests and Olympiads. I had pretty rich experience with data structures, algorithms, algorithmic thinking and solving such problems in my childhood and during the student's years, but I din't expect that these years will come back some day. Trust me, a 15 years old schoolboy who is a good programming contestant (e. g. some of the Bulgarian National champions) can pass these questions without having any experience in commercial software engineering. I expected more software engineering questions about software design and architecture, large-scale databases and information systems, Internet applications, information security, parallel programming, threads, synchronization, development process, software quality, testing, life-cycle, software project management, agile development, etc.

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Interesting post! I guess I got to short circuit a lot of this. I had a recruiter contact me in October, at a time where I was transitioning between positions at my current company (a government contractor). This being October, I was a couple of days away from being affected by the shutdown, so I decided to go for it. I talked with her, probably without answering any technical questions, then contacted her a few more times to let her know I was on a tight schedule (after the shutdown ended, all of the paperwork to put me into the new position had finally been cleared, and they wanted me to start right away with a 40k raise, doing what I was already doing). Eventually, she replied that she had gotten permission to skip the phone interviews, so I could come down. Unfortunately, that meant I had about a week to cram as much CS into my head as possible. I studied basically everything that I had forgotten from my data structures and algorithms class, did some reading of CLRS, and wrote python versions of every damn data structure I could, around my full time job (the interviewer had asked me what language I was strongest in, and I had told her python; naturally, that meant that my entire interview had to be python, everyone I spoke to had to be python devs... ).

A week ago I visited Google in Zurich, Switzerland. Initially I didn't consider working in Google and changing my job. During the years many of their recruiters asked me once monthly (at average) to join Google. I had so much invitations to join Google in Mountain View, Zurich, Munich and other locations that I finally decided to check whether they offer an interesting for me career opportunities by visiting some of their offices onsite. Wise people say that you could never know what is best for you unless you check it. I had many friends working in Google and most of them were excited about their job. After passing successfully two phone interviews I was invited at the Google office in Zurich for a comprehensive full day interview. It was a stirring event for me – to visit Google in their development center in Switzerland. Google Interview Process is Like a Programming Olympiad I was amazed how Google perform their interviews. Really! They asked me only about data structures and algorithms.

but the interviewers didn't even mention any of these topics. I applied for senior position and it was normal to expect serious software engineering and technical questions, but this didn't happen. That was all. Nobody asked me about my software engineering skills, software technologies, project management, and other skills. Only algorithms and problems solving, data structures, computational complexity, etc. This was whole the day, nearly 6 hours. Google Interviewers Don't Ask About Software Engineering, Technologies and Soft Skills During the years I have been interviewed successfully in lots of interviews and I really have a good idea about how an interview should be conducted. My job is to conduct technical interviews and train people. I have been interviewer for tens of job candidates but I have never thought that some company could employ people only based on their technical skills, and particularly on just a piece of them: algorithms, data structures and problems solving. This is really unexplainable.

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