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Fly Attendant Job Openings

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  1. Fly attendant job openings american airlines
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  4. Fly attendant job openings near me

Job responsibilities for flight attendants are myriad, and require a unique set of multi-tasking skills. For starters, be prepared for work in bursts, and expect to work on short notice as schedules shift, flights are rescheduled and canceled, and airports close down temporarily in heavy weather. Be in good physical shape. Since you'll be up and moving before, during and after flights, expect the flight attendant work experience to exact a physical and mental toll. After all, it's no picnic serving the public in a tube moving at 200 miles per hour thousands of feet in the air - always with a smile on your face, and always ready to respond to emergencies. Again, this takes a unique skill set to accomplish on a regular basis. More specifically, expect to handle these job responsibilities as a flight attendant: Meet with flight staff, including the pilots, to go over the flight blueprint and discuss any service and logistical details (i. e., possible rough weather or flight delays, length of the flight, and travel route. )

Fly attendant job openings american airlines

If you clear that hurdle, you'll likely receive a conditional job offer that will include flight attendant training with the airline. 6. Flight Attendant Training Camp In airline training sessions, the emphasis is on honing your customer service skills, as they relate to air travel, and on proper safety and operating procedures. Training usually lasts about six weeks and your best move is to keep your ears open and make sure to ask questions if any particular training session seems confusing in any way. Better to ask questions in training than asking them 30, 000 feet over Phoenix. 7. Getting a Job Offer When your airline offers you a job, you have every right to thoroughly review the offer to make sure it works for you. Salary is likely fixed, so there's little room for negotiation on that front, but you still want to go over the fine print to make sure you know exactly what you're getting into as a flight attendant, especially in terms of job responsibilities and time requirements. What Are the Job Responsibilities for a Flight Attendant?

Consequently, you'll want to live close to your airport, to make commuting easier and faster. How Much Do Flight Attendants Earn? Data from the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that flight attendants earned a median salary of $50, 000 in 2017, up from $37, 840 in 2010. Starting out, flight attendants earn up to $30, 000 annually, and seasoned flight attendants, with 10 or more years of flight experience, can earn significantly more than the $50, 000 median salary average each year. Flight attendants also earn a per-diem for meals and hotel stays while on the job. Airlines will also help pay for uniforms and standard attire, and flight attendants do qualify for discounted flights or even free standby seats on the airline that employs them.

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Fly attendant job openings near

Flying the friendly skies - and getting paid for it - could well be the dream for any American over the age of 21 who wants to be a flight attendant. But it's not all shopping in Milan or dining in Paris for flight attendants. There is much, much more than simply serving coffee, tea or pretzels to the flying public. Today's flight attendant is an airplane's de facto logistics officer, making sure the aircraft's key equipment and supplies are on board before lifting off, pitching in on first aid needs for an ill or injured passenger, and guiding passengers through safety procedures that could save their lives in the event of an airborne emergency. One warning, though - be prepared to train hard to become a flight attendant. You'll be on your feet for most of the flight and you'll be handling heavy luggage and bulky backpacks on a regular basis. While you'll work hard as you serve the air-going public, the upside is significant, including good pay and benefits, plenty of travel perks, and plenty of adventure and excitement as you lift off for exotic locations.

(Copyright (c) 2020 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. )

Fly attendant job openings near me

Would-be flight attendants should know that airlines fly all the time, often overnight, so be prepared to work day or night, or all night, if needed, often without any sleep. The typical flight attendant shift is longer than in the 9-to-5 world, at 12 to 14 hours. By federal law, all flight crew members must have at least nine consecutive hours of off-duty time before they can take on another shift. About two-thirds of shift time is spent in the air, serving the flying public, while the remaining time is at the airport or on the tarmac, preparing flight lists, awaiting the arrival of aircraft, and getting ready to help fly a plane with 100 passengers on board. The more seniority a flight attendant has, the better the shifts and the better the flight destinations. There is a part-time work option for flight attendants, as well - 25% of all industry professionals work on a part-time basis. Lastly, expect to make your residence near your "home base" airport. Airlines expect flight attendants (especially new ones, who often work on a reserve basis starting out) to be ready to fly at a moment's notice, if needed.

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