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On March 17, China slammed that window shut, announcing the expulsion of reporters for The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and New York Times, and forcing the firing of Chinese nationals who worked for those outlets as well as for Voice of America and CNN. "Given the fact that it's vital to have good information out of China right now because of coronavirus, the U. decision was pretty disastrous timing, " said Megha Rajagopalan, a correspondent for BuzzFeed News whose visa was not renewed in 2018 after she reported about the mass internment of Muslims in China. Ms. Rajagopalan and other expelled reporters stressed, however, that the U. crackdown in no way compares with the brazen Chinese efforts to undermine a free media. "The Chinese government is at fault, far and above the U. government, " she said. A senior administration official, who explained the policy on the condition of anonymity after I reached out to the State Department, told me that the U. move had been on the wish list of American counterintelligence officials and China hawks, and was pursued "on a totally different track from coronavirus. "

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Mueller probed the Trump campaign's meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya over promised "dirt" about Hillary Clinton. Mueller declined to prosecute members of the Trump campaign, arguing in his report that he couldn't prove the information shared at the meeting had any value, and that he couldn't prove the Trump team acted with "general knowledge of the illegality of their conduct. " Campaign finance experts are concerned that Mueller's reasoning could embolden Trump to solicit help from foreign powers. Trump created a media firestorm in June when he said he would accept damaging information about his 2020 opponent from a foreign government. "It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U. S. election, " FEC chair Ellen Weintraub cautioned in a June statement. "This is not a novel concept. Electoral intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the beginnings of our nation. "

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Other articles simply let American readers "identify with Chinese pain, " as The Washington Post's Emily Rauhala put it. There was The Wall Street Journal's look at the chaos in a Wuhan hospital, Anna Fifield's reporting in The Post on the suspicions of grieving families, Amy Qin's portrait of a devastated family in The Times and the empathetic tweets by Chris Buckley of The Times. Now, the U. and Chinese governments seem to be shifting their focus to the blame game. Mr. Pottinger has been pushing the plausible, but unproven theory that the pandemic started with an accident in a Chinese lab. The claim has entered the Washington spin cycle, with echoes of the run-up to the Iraq war. And the fewer independent American reporters there are working in Beijing, the more the China story may be shaped by U. officials. The Chinese government "is going to discover the cost of not having a significant presence of reporters on the ground, " said Mr. Buckley, an Australian New York Times reporter who has also been told to leave China after his visa expired when he was in quarantine in Wuhan.

Radnai was one of these frustrated claimants. After he left the CBS-6 parking lot, McCloy couldn't stop thinking about him. The month before, she had been a general-interest reporter. But when the pandemic began, she started attending press conferences and covering the unemployment crisis. Viewers would contact her, asking for help. At first, the people she talked with were irritated. But a couple of months in, the messages took a darker turn. People were telling McCloy that they were behind on car payments, borrowing money, and running out of food. "You can't tell your child you can't feed them because you're waiting for unemployment, " Davin Iverson, an unemployed single father, told her in a May interview. Iverson had waited three months for a phone call from the unemployment office. Annie Lowrey: The pandemic proved that cash payments work Most employees at the station were working from home, so McCloy was the only anchor there during the day shift, and she was working seven days a week.

U. officials acknowledge that they didn't see the expulsions coming. Manish Swarup/Associated Press On the call with publishers, Mr. Pompeo offered to help. But there isn't a clear path to persuading China — which has little interest in critical coverage — to stop whittling away at a foreign press corps that still includes dozens of U. journalists and a range of international media. Now, the administration is considering its next step, which could be to expel specific Chinese journalists it views as spies, Edward Wong and Julian E. Barnes reported. Other ideas are also being discussed, said Michael Pillsbury, a Trump adviser and director of the Hudson Institute's Center on Chinese Strategy, including whether Chinese access to the big American platforms of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook could be limited. (The platforms are blocked in China, but are powerful vehicles for Chinese propaganda globally. ) To read the coverage of the expelled reporters is to understand what is lost. Revelatory investigations in the Times, Post and Journal exposed Chinese government mistakes and cover-ups as the coronavirus spread.

But he was not the last. In the months since then, thousands of people have emailed and called her about problems getting through to unemployment agents—and she has been trying to help them all. McCloy is widely cited as a hero by people she has helped, as well as in Facebook unemployment groups, where people urge those seeking help to contact her. But if a news anchor has to step in to ensure that Americans get the benefits they're entitled to, there may be something wrong with the system. Recommended Reading The scale of the crisis McCloy has tried to tackle is immense: In 2019, New York State processed 833, 000 unemployment claims. From March to September of this year, it processed 3. 68 million regular unemployment claims and 1. 54 million Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claims, a spokesperson for Governor Andrew Cuomo's office told me. The website and phone lines couldn't handle the traffic. Pages would crash; calls would drop. People would wait hours on the phone and still not get through.

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Among other things, he is skeptical that the department will actually achieve $350 million in overtime reduction costs, as the city has argued will happen. The redistribution of Police Department resources to other departments achieves political and possibly policy ends, but will do little to close the city's yawning budget gap. To close that gap, the city will demand across-the-board savings from city agencies, and slash services that city residents have come to rely on, such as eliminating the residential composting program and closing city pools for the summer. Trash pickups will be reduced, and overnight service on the Staten Island Ferry will be curtailed. Fewer police traffic agents will be deployed at intersections, and tree pruning and tree stump removal will be less frequent. And for the first time in his tenure, the mayor drew down on the city's reserves, tapping $4 billion in savings to help balance the budget, much of it from the retiree health benefits fund, a move that does not affect retiree benefits in the short term.

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Hungary's parliament is considering a bill that would allow Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's government to rule by decree without a time limit, a proposal that has prompted concerns from various international organizations and members of the European Parliament. In Poland, the government wants to hold a presidential election as planned in May, but coronavirus measures mean that in practice only the incumbent president can campaign. While noting that the immediate focus for EU officials is responding to the spread of coronavirus, the Finnish minister said that if the crisis continues they should also address other pressing policy matters, including the bloc's long-term budget and rule of law problems in member countries. "I'm very concerned about the situation in Hungary and possibly also in Poland, " Tuppurainen said. Also On POLITICO